Friday, December 3, 2010

Just some Happenings

This week has been pretty rough on the morning-day-evening sickness and Hannah has been sick a few days this week also.  But I am trying to remember some oh-so-cute moments.

Josiah does want to be like his daddy when he grows up.  Just the other day he told me.."When I grow up, I'm going to get to go to meetings just like dad!"  If he only knew how true that will be:-)

Brooke has gone and lost herself another tooth.  Please beware, she only looses teeth when eating pizza!  Now she is has 4 gone in the middle top with one front tooth growing in.  What a sight!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Reformation Day!!

One of the benefits in living in a small town is underlying church culture.  I understand sometimes it can be bad, but sometimes its good.  Our town decided to have trick or treating on Friday night instead of Sunday.  We get to celebrate this day as a rememberance of the beginnings of Protestantism.  Shaun did a great sermon this morning and I'm looking forward to what the night brings.  If you want to hear it, just go to the church's website, 

So here are some pics of the kids in there costumes for trick or treating.  We just might have a preacher in the making as Josiah went from house to house belting out the song "The B.I.B.L.E.!"  What a sight!  A pirate preaching to trick or treaters.  It was great!

Boaz had me singing the "Pirates of Penzance" songs.  Great memories.

  I leave with a quote from the great reformer himself, Martin Luther, "Every man must do two things alone; he must do his own believing and his own dying."

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Sumo Wrestling

Lest you think we don't learn about other is our attempt at sumo wrestling:-) What an experience!! BTW no one got hurt, in fact, I think it boosted egos!


Brooke did 4-H this year, a first for all of us.  We had to miss 2 of the meetings(sister's wedding stuff) and the last meeting was judging.  She did a great job with the crafts as she models her beaded necklace.  The gardening was a good experience.  My advice, don't start those projects a month before they are due...they need time to grow:-)  Great job Brooke!!  She is even ready to do it again next year.

Monday, September 27, 2010


Well, we headed out to Penn's store, but it was closed due to flooding last year.  So we headed over to Dansville.  We visited the Old Constitution Square Park.  This was were they drafted the first Kentucky constitution.  This was Shaun's favorite part, because the visitors center gave him a free Ale-8-One and the yummy bakery across the street was delish(we actually went back before we left KY for a second helping:-)


This was one of our favorite days...ok all of vacation days are our favorites:-)  We visited Old Fort Harrodsburg State Park.  It has a TON of stuff to do and see.  This was the "living" museum where we saw Indians, blacksmith, schoolmarms, etc.

My Old Kentucky Home!

This was the impromptu stop on our way through the scenic byway.  Stephen Foster made it famous by composing the Kentucky state song, "My Old Kentucky Home".  Truth be told it was his cousins estate and Foster never lived here, just visited once.  I was a bit sceptical why a person would write such a song, but after being on the property and witnessing the granduer of it all, I was sold.  It is such a beautiful estate.  Great place for pictures.  They even said they frequently have weddings on the property.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Lincoln's Birthplace

Our first stop was in Hodgenville, KY.  The birthplace of Abraham Lincoln.  The monument has 56 steps, each representing each year of his life, and holds a replica of the cabin he was born in. 

The two girls had worked on becoming Jr. Rangers and were soo proud of their badges.  Josiah enjoyed running up and down the hills while the girls did their paperwork.

Monday, September 20, 2010

An Uneventful Journey

Day 1- Quite the contrary, our day was NOT uneventful!  Around Indianapolis, we stopped for gas.  Then, it started...or should I say not started.  Our van...dead.  Couldn't turn over for anything.  Needless to say, we relied on the kindness of strangers(who had jumper cables...not really room to pack in the van) to give us a jump.  He actually lived down the street and kindly went home, picked them up and came back to the gas station to give us a jump!!  Then we were off to Sears to get a new battery in a new town.  The kids were a bit apprehensive, but only saw God protecting us.  If that is was what God wanted us to see, I will take the unexpected eventful activities any day.  Day 2 - Can't wait!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Penguin Waddle

Did school outside today!  I love this weather!  We learned/played about penguins and had a little race.  They had to waddle with the ball between their knees...somehow I think I need to work on human anatomy for J...He thought he was laying the egg.LOL!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Don't Push Me!!

Labor Day was a day of relaxation...for the most part.  We went over to a friends house, had lunch and went swimming.  Boaz did not.  For some reason he has a fear of big bodies of water.  Although, he has no problem pushing people in big bodies of water...which he did to his bigger brother Josiah.  Thankfully, Dad was nearby and was able to pull him up.  Josiah was scared a little at first, but he jumped right back in.  What a trooper!  You really have to watch that little guy.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gone with the Wind!

Most of you know of my love affair with Gone with the Wind...
Well, this weekend I got one step closer to Clark...His duesenberg was in town.

Yes, I know it doesn't look like much here, but duesenberg's are very rare(unless you live in Auburn, Indiana:-)  The ACD Festival was sooo much better this year.  The kids loved watching the cars parade around town like it was the 30's again.  The only problem with 30's cars running around town...a lot of stalling...which create traffic jams that are one of a kind(lucky us:-)  Along with the awesomely cool cars, there was also a rip roarin' MONSTER truck!
It's as big as the 2 story house across the street!!  Aside from the awesome cars, there where AWESOME garage sales!  Just refinished a coffee table I got for $10.  Happy Labor Day everyone!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

The New Hannah

The wedding is over and she wants to be like her big sis.  She wanted more cut off, but I don't think Shaun and I could handle any more....goodbye hair!  She's still a cutie:-)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Celebration Sunday!!

This past Sunday we had creative celebrations of what God is molding each of His children in.  Brooke and Hannah's class recited memory verses and sang a song.  Brooke even got up and played the piano.  They all did great!  We had teens sing, gifted pianists, one who recited the whole book of Colossians from memory, and even a chalk art presentation.  Here is Josiah and his friend, Levi, doing their best at the "Zacheus Song". 

The Birthday Boy

Here is the Birthday Boy!  He was beaming all day!

Here is as the most creative I get with a Sonic birthday cake.

Not like my sis who is a genius at this cake game!!

Thursday, August 26, 2010


2nd week of school was about Butterflies!  Here we are at the Butterfly House in Ohio!  The kids loved the the butterflies...not so much the hour and half to get there:-)

Wednesday, August 25, 2010