Monday, September 20, 2010

An Uneventful Journey

Day 1- Quite the contrary, our day was NOT uneventful!  Around Indianapolis, we stopped for gas.  Then, it started...or should I say not started.  Our van...dead.  Couldn't turn over for anything.  Needless to say, we relied on the kindness of strangers(who had jumper cables...not really room to pack in the van) to give us a jump.  He actually lived down the street and kindly went home, picked them up and came back to the gas station to give us a jump!!  Then we were off to Sears to get a new battery in a new town.  The kids were a bit apprehensive, but only saw God protecting us.  If that is was what God wanted us to see, I will take the unexpected eventful activities any day.  Day 2 - Can't wait!!

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