Sunday, September 5, 2010

Gone with the Wind!

Most of you know of my love affair with Gone with the Wind...
Well, this weekend I got one step closer to Clark...His duesenberg was in town.

Yes, I know it doesn't look like much here, but duesenberg's are very rare(unless you live in Auburn, Indiana:-)  The ACD Festival was sooo much better this year.  The kids loved watching the cars parade around town like it was the 30's again.  The only problem with 30's cars running around town...a lot of stalling...which create traffic jams that are one of a kind(lucky us:-)  Along with the awesomely cool cars, there was also a rip roarin' MONSTER truck!
It's as big as the 2 story house across the street!!  Aside from the awesome cars, there where AWESOME garage sales!  Just refinished a coffee table I got for $10.  Happy Labor Day everyone!

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